Internet News

Microsoft patches nasty Windows 10 security flaw outed by Google

Comments (1)
  1. NoMoreUSA says:

    In light of this today’s election results, our NZ company (and 34 others so far) have decided to desist use of any US products. So, as far as we are concerned, neither Google nor Microsoft deserve our patronage any more. To all other people whom are suffering the incompetence of these two companies, perhaps it is time for you to also find alternatives to the digital prisons being pushed on you by the two behemoths noted above. There are many linux distros available, many of which are faster and more secure than anything Microsoft or Google has yet to create (despite stealing much of their architecture from linux sources – we’re looking specifically at you Google, but both Microsoft and Apple have also been dipping their greedy hands into the veritable honey-pot that is software produced for FREE by extremely generous individuals and groups, whom have no intention other than to make the computing world a better place). Unlike the above mentioned companies (all of whom are US based) the creators of this free software do not do this for greed, market share or to control their users. They do this because they think better of human beings than do the those companies mentioned. YOU have a choice to both let the world know that you do not support a nation that selects a racist, sexual abuser as its representative, but also to get some genuinely good software not built with the intention of treating you like a statistic on their financial spreadsheets. We quite like linux Deepin – but we are sure if you spend a little time researching, you will find a distro that suits your needs more adequately (and much, much more securely) than the offerings of the above. We also advise you to ponder on the most famous quotation of Edmund Burke.

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