It looks like DJI is preparing to launch a new smartphone gimbal. A leak shared by WinFuture shows a short video of a redesigned gimbal, which may be named Osmo Mobile 4, or OM 4. As The Verge points out, the standout feature of the new device is what appears to be a magnetic mounting mechanism that will allow users to quickly attach their phones.
With the Osmo Mobile 3, users had to slide their phones into a claw mount on the gimbal. That was a bit cumbersome and ate up seconds of filming time. Images shared by WinFuture show a magnetic strip and a magnetic ring pre-attached to the back of a phone, both of which snap onto the new gimbal.
With each iteration of its smartphone gimbal, DJI makes significant hardware improvements. When the company introduced its Osmo Mobile 3, it made the gimbal foldable and redesigned its shape so that it didn’t block the charging and audio ports like the Osmo 2. One of the biggest complaints with the Osmo 3 was the attachment mechanism, so it makes sense that it would be DJI’s focus this time around.
As for software, it looks like there’s a new dynamic zoom that automatically zooms out as the camera moves forward. Aside from that, we can expect Osmo Mobile 3 features, like gesture controls and hyperlapse, to carry over.
According to WinFuture, the new device will cost just under €150 (about $177) and come with a 2450 mAh battery that will last up to 15 hours.